Friday, July 24, 2009

The Eclipse Of The Century

At ATP the 22nd day of July was one of many breakthrough experiences for me, you might say it was the icing on the cake. On this day was the longest eclipse of the 21st century, and it happened to be my birthday. It ended in a phenomenal group breath awareness session, led by Saida Allen. Saida held the space for the women who lay on blankets on the floor in the soft light, and with the healing sounds of Naive American music playing, simply breathing.

As the emotional breatkthrough welled for each one of us in swells of sound, in the unconditonal loving space we created for one another, Saida touched and ecncouraged each one of us to gently let go. The beauty of the experience of breath awareness is that it is entirely personal. Only you and your own higher self know the meaning and the reason, if there is one, for your release. The whold body responds as the breath reaches the depths of your own self.

We invite you to come and experience this beautiful gift to your self on Wedndesday evenings starting at 6:00 pm. Sessions will begin July 29th and run for the following three weeks.

Written by Elizabeth St.John